"M" - Drugstore Catalog:

medikidz.com: Medikidz comic books educate children about medicine

Medikidz is a global initiative set up by doctors to explain medical information to children. The Medikidz superheroes are used to explain medical conditions, investigations, diagnoses, medicines and surgical procedures to children - in a way that they can understand.

medicalchannel.pk: Medical Channel - Medical Channel

Medical Channel, abbreviated as MedChannel is recognized by Pakistan Medical and Dental Council, Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, Registered with International Serials Data System of France. Indexed in EMRO, Index Copernicus international, DOAJ, ResearchGate, ICMJE.

medpagetoday.com: Medical News and Free CME from MedPage Today

Medpage Today is a CE and CME accredited medical news service, which provides daily coverage of developments that impact clinical practice, and offers free continuing medical education courses and credits to physicians and healthcare professionals.