
Medical - Supply in excess of 100,000 different Medical and Pharmaceutical products - The Medical World Experience - G.P Surgery & Hospital Supplies - In excess of 100,000 different Medical and Pharmaceutical products and a massive range of paper, cleaning, infection control, associated equipment and furniture, to G.P surgeries, hospitals, ophthalmic clinics and nursing homes.

Country: Europe, GB, United Kingdom

  • chelsea - Recommended :)Absolutely love my kindle fire HD !! Take it every where and very light and portable tablet ! Clear view and adjust to my light. Very happy to have purchase this tablet and would recommend. My sister ha purchased the apple tablet mini same time I purchased my kindle and both do the same features mine was just extremely cheaper so happy to save !
  • KD "KD" - Better than other products I have triedI have suffered with awful cold sores for as long as I can remember. I can remember, every picture day growing up they'd seem to pop up. I have tried every kind of OTC medicine available. The only product that I had any remote success with was Abreva until now.

    I got this product as a free sample and had it in my medicine cabinet for a few months. I knew I'd eventually use it because it never fails, when something important is coming up, I'll get a cold sore (or a few). Sure enough, I start a new job tomorrow and one decided to pop up last week.

    I tried the Orajel Single Dose. It was kind of hard to figure out how to use at first because the "wrapper" wouldn't pull down as easily as I thought it would. Finally got it to work, used all of the medicine per the instructions. I felt immediate relief with the "tingly" feeling that's always associated with a brand new cold sore. It's 4 days later today and I can still see the cold sores, but it didn't spread down my lip like it usually does. It definitely "killed" the cold sore immediately. I am really happy with this product and will definitely be buying more.

    I received a free sample of Orajel Single Dose Cold Sore Treatment, 2 Pack from Smiley360.
  • withabullet "withabullet" - Works great!I bought four.

    Yeah, two grand is a little steep, but I can work a double shift to make up for it in about two months.

    Used them to tie my wife to the bed.

    Then I went out to play tennis. When I came back, she was still there and she could hear better. Great product!
  • Mrs. Hecht - Mrs. HechtI have always used Hoover. Sold Hoover as a young adult and know that it is superior to what was out there. But, Dyson is relatively new on the market. WOW! This is going to change everything - No more plug; No more heavy object to lug around; Great suction (have two hairy dogs and a cat indoors); and it takes very little room to store. Love this vacuum. Next year, I am going to try out one of the Dyson room fans..Revolutionary!! Way to go, Dyson.
  • Kathryn E. Glas "kathy Atl" - the perfect green answer to readingI first thought about getting a kindle about 6 months ago. I postponed my purchase when I saw a lukewarm review. My biggest concern was actually related to the issue of competing technologies, and which would win out. Then I saw a kindle, then oprah managed to arrange a sale. I bought one, and I will never look back. The screen does not cause eye pain like standard computer screens do since there is no harsh backlight. Someday they might figure out a way to allow reading in low light, but that is not an important consideration for me.

    I have been 'green' since long before it became popular. Having the opportunity to buy books without driving to the store/having them shipped/using trees is wonderful. While the newspapers aren't quite the experience I am used to I love the idea of getting my WSJ online.

    But the reader itself is just awesome. The device is small and easy to use, and great for frequent travellers. I have more than 10 books loaded, I can download a new one instantaneously if I manage to read everything I already have, and I don't need to carry heavy, bulky books in my luggage. Now if someone can convince the airlines to let us read during take off and landing all would be perfect.

    I have not used the audio option so I can't say how it is. I have tried internet access a few times, but not enough to comment on that either. My guess is internet access needs a few more upgrades. My only complaint right now is that there is no opportunity to rate books you have read outside of amazon, and I get numerous recommendations that I have already read. (Netflix has a nice set up for this.)