Per alcuni anni indietro, il numero di studi e di indagini fatte sulle cause, segni e terapia ED ha termendousely aumentato. Nel frattempo, per voi per ottenere la consultazione circa il vostro problema personale, è molto importante per raggiungere il vostro medico di famiglia. Considerando il fatto che il fumo, di solito, ha effetti negativi sul sistema circolatorio, è semplicemente un capo antagonista per il vostro indurimento del membro maschile. Di nuovo, avere un sano e sostenibile pene eretto è una funzione del mantenimento di un efficace navi. Il fumo porta qualche carenza nelle arterie che li rende più stretto. Quindi, ostacola la capacità di vene di raggiungere una dilatazione necessari per attivare e mantenere un'erezione. Per questo motivo, ogni fumatore è esposto a un rischio molto più elevato di sempre ED, rispetto a un non fumatore. Ora, che si sta per capire i rischi che sono coinvolti nella vostra vita di amore e sessualità, che sono legati al fumo, vuoi ancora fare? Vale la pena di avere una sigaretta in modo da avere un pessimo notte romantica con la persona amata? Sono sicuro che non è d'accordo; ma, se si sono collegati, quindi, sta andando a prendere un po ' di tempo per svezzare off. Ne vale la pena. Review:

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  • schizobovine - Fantastic, eye-opening bookI happened upon this book discreetly lying about in a good friend's library, almost as if she had hidden it just well enough for the casual observer to miss but obvious enough for the curious. And with such a provocative title, could one not be curious about this book?

    Preface: you must be open-minded to get the full benefit to this book. If a world where the word "slut" is not an insult, but a compliment, is inconceivable or impossibly distasteful, save your money.

    However, if you think sex can be a good thing, if the idea that heterosexual monogamy *isn't* the only option, then get this book (if you haven't read it already, of course). If I was asked what the most important books on sexuality would be for a library, this would be among them.

    Eaton & Hardy demystifying other relationship possibilities, taking the time to explain all the basics -- sex/gender aren't the same things, gender preference isn't a binary thing, and loving only a single other person forever isn't the only way. They present the various ways all of this fits together, and gave me a good understanding of the core concepts that underly sexual, romantic, and otherwise (for the Greek-knowning, erotic, filial, and agape) fulfilling relationships of all kinds. There's no magic here, but that's the beauty of it. Keep an open mind, defer your judgment, and *communicate*.

    They give a great discussion on jealous, how it fits in, and how to manage it. You'll be shocked to hear that the answer to that is *gasp* open & honest communication. ;)

    If nothing else, you'll finish reading and find yourself more knowledgeable about others you may meet (or already know, as it turned out I did), while still being all the more confident in yourself. Perhaps you'll try something new out. Maybe that experience will change your life; maybe it'll just be a fun story to tell at parties. And all this while making a commitment to mutual respect that makes the world a nicer, sexier place to live.
  • B. Golden "87chevy" - Great educational tool and fun!Since my daughter got this tablet she had not put it down! She uses it atleast once a day and loves it. She's 5 and has already added new vocabulary to her cannon and is craving more. She's also dropped it a couple of times on our tile floor and no damage as of yet (we do have a gel cover on it). Battery life lasts about two weeks from what I've seen which is pretty good.