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Country: Europe, FR, France

  • Kampkaos - Parting giftI received this short sleeve t-shirt (dark green) as a gift from some very generous colleagues as I was leaving the company and moving to another state. It immediately changed my life. That afternoon I received an email from a wealthy foreigner who needed help moving millions of dollars from Nigeria and promised me a large percentage of his fortune for helping him. The next day I went to pick up my rental truck but Penske did not have a truck ready for me. So they apologized and offered to pack my things for me, transfer them to the new state, unpack, and set everything up in my new home. I agreed of course and effortlessly drove my family to our new home and upon arriving found Ty Pennington waiting for us with his Extreme Makeover team. They added a 5555 sq ft subterranean palace beneath the modest townhome with a bowling alley, dance floor (pole included), shooting range, and a huge bathroom with a bidet, fridge, IMAX movie screen and a dish with candy. Additional benefits of the shirt have also been experienced. My kids and wife avoid spending time with me, my lifelong halitosis has all but gone in to remission, my voice mail is full of job offers from Global 500 companies in India, and everyone thinks I resemble the Dos Equis guy.
  • devon travis - great!!!!!!Great!! love how i feel and a slow process fat burner which seems healthier wish the pills werent so large but i'll manage.