
South Staffordshire Local Medical Committee - South Staffordshire Local Medical Committee is the statutory body, recognised by successive NHS Acts as the professional organisation representing individual GPs and GPs as whole to Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) and Strategic Health Authorities (StHAs)

Country: Europe, GB, United Kingdom

  • Cathy65 - Anne gets her just dessertI had to get this book as soon as I'd finished Wolf Hall, because I had to know how the story continued. This was a very quick read, only 300 pages, and really got more into the mechanics of how people in power fall. I find this whole topic extremely interesting and wonder if it'll be made into a movie.

    I was hoping to see more of a development of Thomas Crowmwell's character on the personal side, since so much time has been devoted to his professional acumen and social skill. Maybe in the third installment.

    Every bit as compelling as the first, and I'm so glad I wasn't born in the 1500's!
  • Tammie Bader - ExcellentI received a free sample of this on I woke up with a cold sore starting,I applied the Orajel single dose and omg by the end of the day it didn't get bigger. I get cold sores often and I have tried everything including valtrex and abreva and nothing stopped them as quick as this. Very good product!!!!