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  • Rebecca Ellis - Darn good vacuumI was leery of a bagless vacuum, as I've tried one before and had found it messy to clean. But this little wonder is great. It empties easily into a trashcan and I haven't had a problem with dust flying around as I empty it. Neat and tidy. I like that the only parts to tend to are filters that I can rinse out myself.
    This vacuum is lightweight, agile, and very effective. It pulls a lot of dust and dog hair and dirt -- I thought my rugs were pretty clean from using a traditional bagged vacuum but this vacuum pulled the equivalent of a quarter to a half bag of gunk the first time I used it, so I must have had a lot of dust and dirt embedded that the other vacuum just didn't get.
    This vacuum is not very wide but it is light, so I don't feel like I work harder to use it. The attachments are sufficient to clean the ceiling corners easily -- something my previous vacuum could not do. It adjusts itself to any height carpet (I had doubts about that but it is true) or bare floor.
    I am very pleased with this product. The only thing it does not have is a small attachment for getting under low furniture. It comes with a large attachment for furniture -- very effective especially for pet fur -- but that is too tall to get under low dressers and bookcases. My old Hoover had such an attachment, but of course it doesn't fit the suction tube on this Shark. And I've searched Amazon but don't see any attachments of this nature for the Shark. So I still need to use the small hand-held vacuum for my car to clean under low furniture, as that one can use the small low-profile attachment. That's my only complaint. I'm pleased with the quality, ease of maintenance, lightness, noise level, and performance of this machine.
  • BrooklynMom - Excellent Resource for Pregnant WomenOster's book is an excellent resource for women interested in making informed, data-driven decisions throughout their pregnancies - I only wish I'd had it during my first pregnancy. Oster, a Harvard-trained economist and professor at the University of Chicago, sifted through hundreds of medical studies on everything from alcohol consumption to exercise during pregnancy to labor induction to bed rest, and presents the results of all these studies (along with an economist's take on the quality of each study's methodology) in a clear, accessible manner.

    With respect to the alcohol question, Oster certainly isn't suggesting that pregnant women drink excessively during pregnancy. She states very clearly that "There is no question that very heavy drinking during pregnancy is bad for your baby" and further explores the biology behind alcohol consumption while pregnant and why light drinking may be safe in some cases, while heavy (and fast) drinking is clearly not. In fact, Oster isn't actually suggesting anything -- that's not the point of the book. Her goal is to present all the information on the subject and enable women to make their own decisions. One woman may read the book and decide to abstain completely, while another woman may read the same chapter and decide that a few glasses of wine a week is okay. As with many decisions in pregnancy (amniocentesis, epidurals, etc.), it's up to individual women to evaluate the risks and make decisions accordingly -- and this book has made that process a lot easier for women.

    All in all, a wonderful, unique resource.