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  • R. N. Winters - Basic, quick, cost-effective storage for backup or whatever elseThe cloud is great and all, but IMO, there's nothing like having all of your data on a device in your hand. I bought two of these to format and label "Windows" and "Mac". I do full and incremental backups on the Windows device. I plug the Mac drive into my Macintosh, then Time Machine sees it and gets down to business. Could not be easier. Crazy amounts of storage, USB-3 speeds, and really cheap insurance.
  • Susan Brinkman "Susan from Southaven" - Samsung worth the moneyAfter using an IRULU tablet for a whole 2 months, I had to replace it. Too many reasons for dissatisfaction to go into...suffice it to say that it's not worth ANY money. Having a Samsung Galaxy Android phone and reading the reviews, decided to order it. It's great and haven't had any problems at all. I didn't realize how lousy the IRULU was until using the Samsung. It costs more but WELL worth the investment.
  • A Customer - This is the BIBLE of JOB HUNTING - IGNORE IT at your PERIL - 5 STARS !!!!Let's get it out of the way right up front. If you are looking for a job and not using this book, it is the same as sending an army to war without rifles. This is it, and it simply does not get any better than What Color is Your Parachute. Every year it seems to get better and better.


    I would tell anyone that you must read this book before going to interviews in your senior year in college. Anyone who is seeking to change positions that is out in the work force should have a well-marked and annotated copy in her briefcase. There are simply no excuses. The information you need to get and find the job that you want and deserve are in this book. It's easy to read and easy to use.

    Some things you can figure out for yourself - others are not as easy. Do you ever notice that people in the trades all have their secrets that are passed down from older people in the trades? A carpenter will tell you that you MEASURE TWICE - CUT ONCE. It makes sense, because then you will not waste wood. In job hunting it is the same deal. There are things you need to know, because it will give you an edge over your competition.

    Remember there is always more than one person looking to fill the slot that you are looking to fill. YOU NEED THE EDGE and this book will give it to you. As an example, one of the key points and there are hundreds of them is that YOU ARE ALWAYS INTERVIEWING. The moment you walk into a company, you are being watched. It might be the receptionist, or the pre-interviewer, but you are always being measured. This means you have to always have your guard up, take nothing for granted.

    This book will teach you about the latest techniques for looking for a job, and much much more. Here are just a few of the issues you need to be concerned about:

    * There are thousands of Internet sites that help people searching for jobs. This book tells you which ones are for you. Page 53

    * What do you put into the resume - key points? Page 71

    * You will learn the specific interview questions that in all likelihood, you will be asked. BE READY page 93

    * What about salary negotiations? The other side negotiates all the time. You only get to negotiate a couple of times in your lifetime. You need this information to even out the playing field. Page 121

    * There are always mistakes made during interviews. The book covers the big ones. Page 92


    There simply is no better book on the market for those who need a job, or want to learn how to promote themselves. This book is the BIBLE OF THE INDUSTRY. Buy it, read every word, write in the margins, take notes and write the notes in the back of the book. It is a resource, use it wisely and get the job you want. Thank you for reading this review.

    Richard C. Stoyeck
  • bbishop - Love Sade: Bring Me Home - Live 2011 DVD/CD!!Absolutely loved her live concert and wished I could have followed her around on the CA tour - but since I could not do that, I eagerly awaited the release of the LIVE DVD and AM NOT disappointed! The DVD (and CD) are really awesome and the second best thing to actually attending her amazing concert.
  • M. Stevens - Outstanding Bridge CameraThis HS50EXR is replacing my Fuji S9100 which has served me fine for 6 years. I always felt my pictures with the S9100 were very good until I got this new Fuji. The speed, resolution, features and typical Fuji build quality are all A+ with this unit. I feel there is nothing on the market that can compete with this camera in it's price range. I researched for a week+ looking to even break away from Fuji and the sad thing is, I found nothing to compare the HS50EXR to, either in bridge form or for under $425.00. If you are a casual user of cameras I suggest sticking with a lower model of finepix or even another brand. However, if you want super clear/sharp/hi-res pictures with amazing color reproduction I suggest you don't hesitate on buying the HS50EXR. You will not be disappointed.