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  • K. McDowell - The Hard TruthI read every review before purchasing (locally) the RAW Cleanse. When even the 5 Star ratings said it tasted like vomit, I was nervous but then I remembered what was most important - I'm buying this product for the RESULTS, NOT THE FLAVOR. Good results are worth seven unpleasant, even nasty, drinks!

    I researched every cleanse/detox product I could find and decided on RAW Cleanse, not only because of the whole, real, nutritious, raw ingredients, but because the process this product follows is very thorough and healthy. It doesn't risk inflammation but actually SUPPORTS your intestines and your body's natural detoxification and elimination processes.

    Step one, the mouth rinse, is... different. You empty a packet of powder in your mouth and then take some water and swish for 45 seconds. The taste is a cross between dough and malt powder (to make a malted milk shake). Other reviews said they had to immediately brush their teeth because the powder stuck to their teeth, gums, tongue or roof of their mouth. This ONLY happens if you DON'T rinse for a full 45 seconds. Not once did the powder fail to fully dissolve when I swished for a full 45 seconds. In the first few seconds, yes, the powder does stick but, as you swish, it all dissolves. (Actually, I brushed my teeth just BEFORE I did the rinse.)

    Step two is six easy-to-swallow capsules - three with breakfast and three with lunch. Or, you can take all six with lunch.

    Step three is the dreaded "vomit drink." Some of the reviewers, frankly, were just big babies. The drink gets thick ONLY if you hesitate for several minutes after you mix the drink. It gets thick because it contains Chia seeds, which gel up. It's this gelling process that grabs and holds the toxins in your intestinal tract and carries them out. So, once you mix the drink, don't hem-and-haw about it! Just drink it.

    One reviewer gave a great tip that I used and guess what? I didn't have a single problem with the drink! No gag reflexes, no holding my nose and no horrible vomit taste! Directions say to put two scoops of the powder in AT LEAST 12oz of water. Mix ONE scoop in 12oz and drink it! Then mix the second scoop in another 12oz. It did NOT taste like vomit! It didn't even taste that "green." I can't describe the taste. It wasn't good but it wasn't bad in the least. I just held my breath, drank it down, chased it with a swallow of clean water, and was done. Not even an after taste!

    The key to the success of this cleanse is to drink plenty of water throughout the day and change your eating habits during it. If you continue to eat meat, dairy, fast food, bread, etc., it's NOT going to work and you WILL be constipated. If you drink plenty of water, eat lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes and other natural foods, you will REAP the benefits because this product works! If you have no intention of changing your diet for the better, then why waste your money on a cleanse anyway?
  • AndreaDenise - For Mothers, Who Do The Best They CanIn my opinion, "Who Asked You", is one of the most well written novels of 2013.

    "Who Asked You" contains ordinary and mainly genial individuals coping with everyday demands of life. I must confess, there isn't much romance. Thankfully, there are no tiresome mentions of designer labels either. Believe me, there are no wasted words here, only generous doses of realness.

    Terry McMillan, you STILL rock! Looking forward to reading your next novel!

    Favorite Character: Betty Jean

    Least Favorite Character: Social Worker

    Favorite Scene: Luther reading his "dedication" letter to his grandmother

    Least Favorite Scene: Nurse Kim's "activities" with Lee David

    What did you enjoy about the book: Current events of the time

    What didn't you enjoy about the book: Arlene's behavior toward Betty Jean

    Final Rating: 5 stars
  • Michael B. - Good Show to watch!I'm a fan of Marvel Comics and use to read Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. on growing up (Fury was white back then but I don't have a problem with the current character as long as it's done right). This show has been very good to watch and I went and got a TV pass for buying the episodes as they come out (far cheaper). The stories and the characters are very good.