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  • stockmag - memo: proceedings in the case of stockmag v HutzlerFurther to the decree nisi granted on the 4th day of the previous month, my client wishes to proceed to a decree absolute.

    It has come to our attention that failure on the part of your client, hereafter referred to as 'Hutzler', to furnish my client's husband with sufficient alone time with 'the product', has brought a state of such disruptive marital stress to their home and family that in order for them to satisfy my client's husband's limitless need to bond in solitude with Model 571 they must now finally accept the fact that 'force majeur' compels them thusly.

    Hutzler will be served within 5 working days with a subpoena. We regret that circumstances have led to this unfortunate state of affairs and hold Hutzler totally responsible.
  • Kristie - Cleaned me out!!!!Ok so this product is absolutly amazing!!!! I just got mine yesterday and I took 4 pills in the afternoon around 1pm and by 7pm i had 6 BM. That's alotttt!!!!! The recommended amount is 4 pills two times a day, but I didn't see the need for me to take it twice a day when I went that many times in 6 hours. I got up this morning and took 4 pills at 7am and by 7:15am I was in the bathroom already this stuff does exactly what it says and works soooo good! I will def. order this from now on when I need it, oh and I also lost 4 pounds since yesterday before I started taking these and I'm 120 lbs already!! I def. recommend these :) Hope this helps. Feel free to comment with any questions.
  • Cameron - We'Moon is food for the soul for the New Year!These calendars are now a necessary aspect of my daily spirit and soul practice. The art is (gasp, pause) breath-taking, and the poetic pieces bring penetrating wisdom and clarity. I have also just purchased and received the 30-year anthology...a true feast that brought tears to my eyes. Amidst so much confusion and degradation in this time of transition, I am brought to remembrance of what it TRULY means to be human.