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  • Fred Moody - A heart-breaking work about a staggering geniusPretty blown away by this one-of-a-kind examination of a writer I've adored since I first started seriously reading. This book represents the first opportunity for the Salinger devotee to resolve some of the substantial enigma surrounding this author whose post-traumatic stresses included not only the effects of his war experience but also the effects of his outsized celebrity (in an age when neither condition was recognized for the damage it does, the way it is now). This book is packed with fascinating and sobering information and insight...a biographical examination whose seriousness pays appropriate tribute to its subject.

    There is the scope and sweep of the book, for one thing, which is unequalled on those grounds alone, but also the deep sensitivity and sympathy of the biographers, along with their determination to treat Salinger as a human being rather than a demigod, and their careful study of the war, Salinger's experience of it, the series of monstrous devastations, his return to a society that didn't want to hear about any of it...all chronicled with sensitivity, wisdom, and horror. Shields/Salerno also factor in Salinger's genius, his gift, along with his all-too-human weaknesses, and they put the whole story (saga) together in a wonderfully structured way, make all this deep material, the tragedy, the monstrousness, the complexity, the writing he produced (good and bad), the reviews (adulatory and unkind) and his reactions to them, his deviousness, psychological maladies, moral weaknesses...all of this telling really clear-eyed and thorough in a way no one has even come close to being until now. It seems odd to think that no one (including the memoirist Joyce Maynard and Salinger's memoirist daughter) ever really looked at him as a fully complex human being, the way these authors do. That is their great contribution here, really...along with a wonderfully new approach to story-telling and structure in a genre that tends toward linear, plodding hagiography.

    I found myself feeling enormously sympathetic to Salinger, very sorry for him. He just seems trapped by his weaknesses, fears, trapped in his self both in reality and in his writing. I certainly have a completely new/different understanding of his books than I did before. I felt like I was reading about a self-caged beast, trapped until death...rather than someone who was simply a one-dimensional eccentric genius.

    It bears noting too that the authors also were unstinting and honest in detailing (and contextualizing) his stalking behavior, his modus operandi with young women...amazing, terribly thought-provoking information.
  • Srayven "Rayven" - AWESOME TabletApproaching this review from the tablet/OS perspective, NOT downloaded apps, between an iPad2 and this Transformer Prime. While I feel like the apps are really what make a tablet worth while, there are too many differences between the same app on both devices that come down to quality of programming spend for the device. Being honest, most developers spend more time/money on the iPad version, then attempt a conversion to Android.

    I only got to play with the Honeycomb version of this tablet for about 4 days, and it felt very similar to an iPad2: transitions between desktop screens flickered, WiFi worked ok with issues connecting to places like Chic-Fil-A, GPS so slow to connect outdoors but then worked great (not so great indoors). Main drawback to the Prime/Honeycomb tablet was it was constantly referred as a "phone". Prompts about making calls, ringtones, vibrate feature etc. It really took away from the tablet only (no 3G/4G available). There WAS no reason to accept this tablet over the iPad2...

    All this changed with the update to Icecream Sandwich (ICS), transitions between desktop screens is SMOOTH, better than iPad2. WiFi update stablized the issues connecting at Chic-Fil-A, GPS connection improved with an update. All these updates to the system were out within the first MONTH of product release.

    Now for my tidbit on the app areas: Apple has better apps and more of them, no surprise being the leader. Once you select iPad your into the WHOLE Apple bandwagon with iTunes and iCloud. Now their products just work very well together which is very appealing if you like all their products. Android Marketplace has a lot of great apps, most the same as their iTunes conterpart, however "some" are more finicky on Android than iOS. However, the best app reason for Android the ability to install apps from other sources, like Amazon or GetJar. This allows you to bypass Google if desired and pick your own sources for apps.

    I am in no way an expert and this only represents my opinion. Only trying it for yourself can you build an accurate picture.
  • flames9 "flames9" - So far soo good!!!Have had this hose for approx 2 months now, and thus far not a single problem. keep in Mind I do not use it a lot, I store it away and use it when I wash my vehicles each week.

    My big ?????? is its durability! Unlike most hoses the male/female ends are metal---on the Xhose that I have it is plastic. And another weak point may be the crimping that connects the hose to the plastic!!

    But thus far I like the hose. It is light, easy to store and does what it is suppose to do. So, for me, that equals 5 stars!! I will update this review if anything bad happens to it.

    UPDATE: March 01 2013

    So far it is doing well, BUT I only use it once a week--when I wash my vehicles, then put it away! So it lives the pampered life!! But so far so good!!
  • Chicago Reader - Make your life easy!I started my own business last year and had been keeping all my expenses on Excel - I didn't know any better. A friend with a similar business recommended that I purchase Quick Books.
    I now download my bank statements automatically, match each line to a receipt and post directly to my ledger.
    My month end reconciliation now takes 5 to 10 minutes rather than several hours! Plus I can accurately see all my income and expenses.
    Quick Books has definitely make my life easier.