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  • E. Kennen - Holy Unintended Consequences!Flora Belle is a 10-year old cynic. At least, that's what she tells herself when hoping and caring feel too painful: when confronted with her mother's vast indifference, when faced with her father's unsurpassed loneliness. But when Flora sees a squirrel sucked up by a vacuum in her neighbor's backyard, she HAS to act. Yes, it's foolish and uncynical, but it's also what her favorite superhero, Incandesto, would do. Flora knows all about superheroes - particularly Incadesto - because she's a comic book fiend. But nothing could prepare her for a squirrel that can lift vacuums, fly, and... write poetry?

    Ulysses is a squirrel transformed by a near-death experience. When, before, his life's preoccupation was food, now he is awed by the wonder of it all: quarks, black holes, Flora's lovely round head, and, of course, giant donuts.

    Author Kate DiCamillo has woven a quirky tale with even quirkier characters: there's the doctor of philosophy, the next door neighbor who fears she's suffering from hallucinations, and the new boy who's so insufferably annoying that he's actually kind of fascinating. Some people will find the level of quirk offputting - the character's unusual cadence and dialog, the sometimes demanding philosophy, the way that comic strips and poetry are scattered among the prose, and the liberal dose of challenging vocabulary words like capacious. And yet, with its combination of laugh-out-loud and heart-wrenching moments, and its juxtaposition of realistic and surrealistic situations, FLORA AND ULYSSES is a wonderful middle-grade novel. If it's not for you, it's not for you - but fans of books like DiCamillo's THE TALE OF DESPERAUX and THE MIRACULOUS JOURNEY OF EDWARD TULANE may find something special among these pages, too.