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  • C. Voisin - Wish I'd found this a long time agoAbreva works!!!!!!!! I used to get cold sores quite often, but since starting abreva, I haven't had one in an entire year. I kind of know what triggers them for me, so I try to anticipate the break out and begin applying the cream before hand. I dont wait for any tingly feelings to confirm that it is happening for sure, I just start abreva when a possible trigger happens. I probably use it sometimes when I dont need it, but I'd rather waste the medicine than have to deal with a break out. What triggers mine is when the first cold fronts come through and my lips get chapped, excessively stressful times, or when my lips get sun or wind burned. If any of those things happen, I'll apply the abreva 2 or 3 times a day for 2 days, and so far so good. Zero blisters since starting Abreva!!!! Anticipate your triggers and apply. That's the trick!!
  • sarad - Hits a nerve or the funny bone!What a great idea! You bet watching men being attentive, caring and focused on ME is sexy. And you know what? Why shouldn't men be doing that stuff for us? This isn't a about women's equality (as some reviewers have complained), but instead it's about women being treated as if we are important in a relationship! Women don't always have to be the "nurturers!" If only all men could see this book before they start dating. I'll be buying it for my sisters and friends! Too bad it is a fantasy! :)
  • Mrs. Night Owl - Kaplan as usualKaplan is known as the clear winner in the test prep category, and this book is no exception. I was surprised at the level of review this book was able to achieve on so many different subjects. In fact, I think the information in this book is a great supplement to the science courses it is summarizing! For instance, in general chem there is a section on the periodic table. This book breaks down each group and discusses the properties, reactivity, etc. It can be as basic as an overview of fundamental nomenclature or as complex and thermodynamics, light and optics, etc.
    The handy stuff in the book are the blue boxes at the border of the pages: MCAT Synopsis boxes are a to-the-point summary of the important info, MCAT Favorites are handy little tips to help you remember, Flashbacks are a quick reminder of a key topic covered in a previous chapter, Kaplan Exclusives are sometimes mnemonic reminders or special hints to help recall info, Test Tips point out if an area has more weight on MCAT, Go Online instructs the reader on pertinent online resources associated with the book.
    In the end, this book is a wealth of resources that point you to the most important information you will need for MCAT and it includes a great breakdown of the subject matter as well. It's not comprehensive, but a fantastic brush up for a multitude of highly tested areas of Biology, Chemistry (Gen & Organic), Physics and verbal reasoning. There are also plenty of practice test questions and a practice exam.