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  • Cats Go Nyan - Great product for an even better priceI had the a 2 month trial that came with my laptop for this, and when it expired, I decided to keep it. I've used previous versions of Norton before, but unfortunately I'm not familiar enough with them to compare it to this version.

    Before I purchased this from Amazon, I checked around a few stores to see what I could get it for. Norton obviously charged full price, so I checked a few stores like Walmart, Best Buy, etc. All of them had it listed around $60.

    As for the program itself, I hardly notice it running. I just left most of the settings on what they recommend and let it do it's scans when I know I won't be using the computer.
  • - This diet worksI went on the Atkins diet 2 years ago, for about 5 months, and lost 25 pounds. I never felt better; my headaches went away, fatigue during the day was gone, I was able to wake up earlier in the morning. I need to lose 25 more pounds to be at my college weight. Even after I stopped the diet, and ate a lot more carbs, my weight loss remained. I noticed as I added back more carbohydrates, that many old symptoms returned. I am back on the more restricted part of the diet again because I want to lose the rest of the weight. I will say that you eat a moderate amount of protein, vegetables, fish, good oils, and I think it is a balanced, long-term diet that can work for many of us. Once you reach your weight loss goal, you add back in a lot more carbohydrates, all in the form of healthy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and moderate amounts of fruit, bread, etc. I have two friends who lost 40 pounds (him) and 60 pounds (her) on this diet, their blood pressure normalized, and their cholesterol count actually went from high to normal in 6 months. I have another friend who told her doctor she was going on the diet, he warned her not to. In three months she came back, her blood pressure was almost normal, after being very high, and she felt better than she had in years. Her doctor told her to keep doing whatever she was doing, because it was working.Another friend went on the high carb/ low fat diet. She did lose at first, but was hungry all the time and gained the weight back and more when she went off of it. There are people who do well on this kind of low-fat, high carb diet, and Atkins talks about this and why. No diet is for everyone, each of our bodies are unique. I have found this diet to be excellent in balancing blood sugar and eliminating the resultant fatigue, emotional swings, and headaches. Furthermore, I am rarely hungry on this diet, and after you get used to the change, it is delicious and very healthy. The people I have talked to who feel this diet is unhealthy haven't really read and studied the diet, or actually followed the diet for a period of time. I read tons of nutrition books, was a vegetarian for years, and got so sick, autoimmune disease, low thyroid, indigestion, heartburn, and so on, that I began searching for a diet that would restore my health. It was only after being on this diet that I got well, completely. So for some of us, it really works.
  • Ryan S. Sands - Morning pages are like a strong cup of spiritual coffee!This book and the journal by the same author helps you connect with your inner wisdom and keeps you connected with source (God) on a daily basis. The daily journal is a powerful tool to stay in the flow of positivity and keeps you on track to allow your good to come to you. It is like a morning prayer from and to your soul.
  • joe_n_bloe - The most listenable Pink FloydSo the lyrics are a bit nihilistic. After hundreds of listenings over the years that doesn't matter to me. This is the jazziest, most melodic, most even of all Pink Floyd albums. You put it on, you listen, you lose track of time. If only it were longer.And it's the only album I'm aware of that contains vocoded dog barks. (Perhaps you remember hearing Johnny Fever playing that passage on WKRP!)