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  • Todd Ellner "biblioholic, not in recovery" - It's the constructionThe directional markings are the really salient feature. The composition of the cables actually changes depending on how you plug it in.

    Connected one way they are made of the echoes of the motion blur lines of Chuck Norris' side kick. The electrons beat light around the block.

    Connected the other way it is woven from six things: the noise a cat makes in foot-fall, the beard of a woman, the roots of a rock, the sinews of a bear, the breath of a fish, and the spittle of a bird. In that configuration it will bind Fenris the Great Wolf until Ragnarok.
  • K. Kim - Try on the Weekend!I've been suffering from constipation since I was very little. Thus I am always looking for the best laxatives or stool softener. This is the first time I have tried a product labeled "colon cleanse." I saw the great reviews and decided to give it a try before my wedding day 2 weeks away.

    Once receiving the Super Colon Cleanse, I immediatley took the recommended dosage of 4 capsules. This was about 7:00 PM. Before I went to bed, I took another 4 capsules around 12:00 AM. By the time I woke up the next day, I did not have any cramps or the need to use the restroom. So before heading to work, I took another 4 capsules, and "packed" another 4 in my snack sized ziplock bag to take at work later that day. By the time I got to work, I was feeling cramps/light stomach ache. It was not too pleasant but it hurt a lot less than taking laxatives! I immediately had to use the restroom...and kept using the restroom probably 7 more times before the work day ended! It felt good to know I was somewhat "cleaner." I still had to go multiple times before I went to bed that night but I was fine and more regular the next day.

    My husband asked me why I didn't take the pills on a Friday so it didn't interrup my work schedule. He was so right, that thought didn't even cross my mind! I wasn't sure how well it would work and how fast. Next time, I will take the pills in 3's and start on a Friday!