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  • Koalanose - Very good product for the price.I've had this case/keyboard cover and I've been using it for a few months now. I'm very happy with it, as it protects my macbook from scratches and keeps the keyboard clean. The only item I have an opinion worth mentioning on is the keyboard cover. The computer cover itself is nice, and I have not used the screen protector.

    1. The keyboard cover:

    For anyone who has a macbook you'll know that if left uncovered, dust and crumbs get under the keys and in an even worse situation, water can get under and damage the computer.This was one of the big reasons I wanted a nice keyboard cover, and the nice color that matches my case is an added bonus.

    First off, it's very thin. I had a keyboard cover before this one that was very thick and would leave marks on my screen every time I closed my computer. This one leaves some marks, but not nearly as many as my other did. Another thing that's good about the thinness is it lets my computer breathe easier. The second thing is the color of the cover is very nice and matches the hard cover very well.

    Within the first few months of use, some of the color on the keys has already worn off and others are showing scratches. On the upside, the coloring is on the top of the keyboard cover, so my keys are not discolored and any colors rubs off on my fingers instead. However, it's still a little unsightly, though not a huge issue.
  • Adrienne Garriepy "A. GARRIEPY" - FANTASTIC on a woman's head tooI bought from this merchant before and he's got fabulous shipping time to here in New England.

    About the product, the product is fabulous. In 2 days time I notice already that I have much less hair loss in the tub after I shower. When I comb my hair less falls out by a long run. I have yet to notice how it will be in 2 weeks or even 6 months, but my dermatologist will be pleased.

    I first tried the liquid accidentally thinking that the product was the same as the one my doctor recommended, then I remembered she referred me to the foam Minoxidil.
    Well this foam is unbelievable, no running down into my face and eyes.

    I don't need to cool off my hands as recommended on some sites, but I tried using a rubber glove and that was nice to keep it off my hands. Then I decided to "get down and dirty" and use both hands, ungloved, and rub the stuff in like I would shampoo. Much better and easier when you have to do a whole head or a large area. Don't be afraid of the stuff. It's like using styling foam. Only thing different is you rub it into your scalp rather than accentuating your hair. You can style your hair as usual with the stuff only thing is it seems to strip the color treatment I have in my hair out of my hair. My hair looks a bit white to gray with the stuff in, and it makes the hair feel nasty and dry. But when washed out, the hair comes back to natural luster again.

    Great product Pfizer. Good work.
  • Kristen E. Bogren "Kristen Bogren" - Installed with ease!I installed this on my two PC's and one Mac ( mac for the safe surfing option ) So far I am extremely impressed and feel that since I installed on my laptop it cleaned up the computer where it isn't crashing and freezing like it used too ( I need to reformat but to lazy ) With other antivirus programs I have issues running my video games ( WOW ) where I have to put in game mode, but with Trendmicro it reconizes and I can play without changing settings.

    I installed on my Mac for the safe surfing option due to friends children use the computer- Works very well to identify sites that could be malicious...

    Its been two months, so far so good.. Nothing but great things to say about this program! :)
  • Kimberly Eberwine - Hutzler 571, You Complete MeA while back - and you would think that I would remember the exact date because it really was such a pivotal moment in my life - the existence of the Hutzler 571 was brought to my attention. Since then, it has been an admittedly-lofty dream of mine to own this fantastic device, but alas, for a variety of reasons both economic and personal, a dream which has been out of my reach. I had come to think that I would never experience the bliss of owning my very own Hutzler 571... until today.
    For, on this very day, my parents bestowed upon me a gift which is greater than life itself. Unbeknownst to me, but totally knownst to my parents, they had secured for me the prized Hutzler 571. It was presented to me unassumingly, wrapped in somewhat nondescript plaid Christmas paper. I opened it, and nearly fell backwards from the sheer rapture of seeing the Hutzler 571 in my very own hands. Tears sprang to my eyes, right there in public. It was a bit embarrassing, actually, now that I think about it.
    But then... THEN! I took it home and USED it. Admittedly, I was fortunate to have bananas that curved the right way and, thanks to so many of the other reviews here on Amazon, I knew that I needed to peel the banana before attempting to use my Hutzler 571. And use it, I did. My first banana sliced up so perfectly that, after I finished eating it, I sliced another. And another. And another! Peel, slice, eat... peel, slice, eat... until all of my bananas were gone. Each and every time I was impressed with the ease with which the Hutzler 571 slid so gracefully through the fruit. It did not fail or falter even ONCE. Gone are the days when I will slice my bananas with a basic table knife like some sort of plebe... Like a modern-day Michelangelo, I will henceforth sculpt all of my bananas into perfectly-formed slices fit for a god.
    To say that the Hutzler 571 has completed me is probably giving short shrift to the impact it will have on my life from this point forward. Thank you, Hutzler 571, for everything you have done and will do for me and my bananas. Just... THANK YOU for making this the BEST DAY EVER.