Cedd.oep.hu Review:

CEDD - Home of Common European Drug Database - Common European Drug Database - Home of Common European Drug Database


Country: Europe, HU, Hungary

City: Budapest, Budapest fovaros

  • R. Grundlock "GLOCK" - Always get BPGreat source for fantasy baseball or real baseball. In depth stats as well as thoughtful write ups for more players than you would ever imagine. I've heard from others that it's difficult to understand the stats, and that they don't always jive with the write-ups ... but the numbers and the writing are done separately giving a different perspective and allowing you to see where a player's value truly lies.
  • Connie - Hopeful diet!Read through this book in a couple of hours. Not sure yet, if it is worth its weight in gold, but it may well be. It makes perfect sense, and we are giving it a try. Just a week into it, so far so good. I would recommend a trial to anyone needing medication for Crohns, Ulcerative Colitis or leaky gut type diseases.

    EDIT: November, 2012. My son has been following this diet for just about a year now. He is medication free, with no symptoms for the last 9 months. This diet has, beyond a doubt, put his Crohn's into remission. A word of caution. For the first couple of months, symptoms wane but don't disappear. The became milder and further apart, but it was discouraging. It wasn't until the third month that we were completely certain it was working. If anyone wants to try this diet and needs support, you are welcome to visit: