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  • Beecher H. Harrison Jr. - GREAT INFORMATIVE BOOK FOR DIABETICSThis is a super book and as a cliche', like a diabetic bible for folks who have diabetes and keep up their diets like they are suppose to on a healthy aspect. It could also be a good book for folks on diets, i.e. I was introduced to this book and given on about 7 years ago when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and was in a diabetes class given by one of our hospitals. I have bought the newer version each year since then as well as passed on my older ones to folks who could use it.
  • Cynthia Carroll - Great referenceI use this book every day for my job as a Medical Language Specialitst. Great reference - easy to read. My only complaint is that the pages are starting to fall out from use!
  • Deborah E. Reed - Where the Jewels Are by Diana SymonsThis is the first book in a series that is amazing! Although they are written for children, I am always brought to tears at the wonderful stories that Diana has written. As a teacher for years, I highly recommend this book to young people. It is a delight as well as a tool for parents for presenting character development in their children. The Land of Wonderful....really is wonderful!
  • Nancy Solak - Men and their egosThis book fascinated me in many ways. Before reading it, I’d never had an understanding of how chaotic life must have been in ancient Israel. Take the money changers as an example. I never understood why they were exchanging money (even though I took a course on the New Testament in college), or how corrupt the clergy were. Thousands of years later, the practice of extorting money from commoners (such as my aunt) to gain plenary indulgence today on earth for admittance into heaven later would continue. My aunt is long dead, as are the clergymen who took her money to line their pockets and festoon their churches. If that wasn’t enough, I see now why independent, liberal leaning feminists have a clear distaste for Paul, formerly known as Saul. He indeed took on the persona of rock star (we can call him a rock star of the ages), who made himself into a pillar of the Catholic church yet wasn’t even alive when Jesus the prophet walked, talked and died on earth. How Paul managed to turn everything Jesus the prophet did upside down is beyond me. It reminded me of all the times I remember men turning things upside down to suit their own egos. I believe, though, that Paul’s sleight of hand left me scarred. The fact that I still like men after reading this book is the most stunning miracle of them all. This book may have just as easily been titled "Men and Their Egos."
  • srquhf - QuickBooks for Mac 2013 upgradeLove it! Did have an initial problem when first upgraded, but it turned out to be a problem with MY hard drive which had to be cloned, reformatted and re-installed. Don't be so hard on Intuit and the Mac version - it has been working perfectly for me. I have been using QB since the 2007 version and (sorry to all you nay-sayers) but Intuit has continued to improve the Mac product over the years. So many people comment on how much better the PC version is vs. the Mac version and I wondered all these years what I was missing by not ever having the PC version. Well, recently I had the opportunity to help out a friend who was on a PC and let me tell you - you can keep the PC version - Give me my Mac! The Mac version is way better. I have had absolutely no issues with crashing in 2013, no issues with performance and speed.

    I would have passed on the 2013 upgrade except for one new feature - the ability to group invoice. Working in a property management company, we invoice all the owners in an association the exact same amount - having the ability to do a "group" invoice saves me literally hours of work - Thank you Intuit for listening! I use the Community Forum regularly when I have questions or difficulty and I always get responses - it is a great resource.

    There are very few accounting packages out there for the Mac community and periodically, about every year and a half, I download a trial version of two or three of them and run them through the motions for our business and I always reject them and prefer to use QuickBooks. I'm happy.

    Don't listen to all those one-stars - most likely it's operator error.