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  • elpadre44 - Hallmark Card Studio Deluxe by AmazonI had to replace my computer recently but my old Card program was no longer on the market. I purchased the above product and found it far superior to my last one. I can recommend the product as really amazing for what one can accomplish by using this product and can honestly say that all purchasers will certainly not be disappointed.
  • Beverly McMurray "Gal in red" - Wonderful for 40+I just visited a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) in my area and she says very similar things!!! Our bodies are all different which I find amazing. One person can be lactose intolerant and another allergic to broccoli.
  • noclaimtofame - Lifesaver for Crohn's sufferersI got this book for my daughter 5 years ago when she was first diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and was unable to eat anything without being extremely ill, as she had too much sugar and wheat in her diet.

    She was desperate enough to follow the advice in the book, even though it seemed extreme. After a couple weeks she was much improved. After two years she was able to occasionally eat a few foods that normal people eat (pizza, a hamburger, regular bread). She is now vastly improved to the point where she lives a normal life, although still follows much of the SCD diet. Her doctor asked her how she was able to improved so drastically, and she gave him the SCD information.

    If you don't follow this diet or one similar, you cannot recover from this disease just by taking a bunch of pills. Most doctors don't know that "we are what we eat". Our medical system is broken and run by big pharm, but that is another issure.
  • cocii - Finally someone has THEE Answer for AmericaI got a pre-release copy of this book and after reading the back cover first - which asks not to thumb through the book but start from the first page on - I lived an emotional roller coaster. I kept thinking there is no way the author found an answer - BUT HE DID. AND not just one answer but several. I have never ever been so excited about a book because it gave me a game plan. Something "I" could do. So many other books talk about their answer but it's too overwhelming. This author has made some astounding discoveries and when pieced all together in a time line, your jaw will drop. You have got to read what 'the powers to be' are planning for our youth - it will make you sick! Don't just buy one copy, buy several and get everyone reading them at the same time so you can gather later and start making plans. Things are in place NOW for these solutions to work - you need to get this book in everyone's hands.
  • Enrique Ivern - Nice all around guide for planning and visiting.I've been a fan of Rick Steves for many years now. His guides never disappoint. I use them to plan my trips. In this case, the walking guides of the main sights are very complete also. Money very well spent. If your plans are to visit a particular area more in depth, say Tuscany, then get that particular guide.
    These guides are not available where I live, so I buy also the Kindle version for the planning stage, then wait until one of my periodic visits to the States to get my paper one, that will also travel with us. The Kindle version is not very practical for use as a real on-site guide because you need to go backwards and forward between maps and descriptions.